Cocaine Overdose Symptoms


Cocaine is a powerful and addictive drug that’s made from South American coca plants. It is also one the most well-known. Overdose symptoms of cocaine can develop quickly, before you are able to respond. Without a treatment center for cocaine addiction in Kemah TX, you could end up with severe health issues or even death.

You feel like you are on top of the world when you take cocaine. The feeling of euphoria you get from taking cocaine makes it seem like you can accomplish anything. Cocaine can make you happier, more aggressive, and stronger. These feelings are only psychological. You feel terrible after you stop using the drug.

What are the signs of Cocaine Overdose?

Although the question may seem simple, overdoses can be very different for everyone. Some people can take large quantities of cocaine and not feel any symptoms. Some people can have severe side effects from ingesting small amounts of cocaine.

However, anyone can get a fatal overdose. Cocaine is toxic at its core. You are at high risk of harm every time you take cocaine. You are at greater risk of developing a serious health problem or even death if you continue to use cocaine.

Cocaine Overdose Symptoms

There are many signs and symptoms of a cocaine overdose.

Physical symptoms

These are the most common signs of a cocaine overdose:

  • Elevated heart rate
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Increase the temperature in your body
  • Tremor, chills, or even seizure
  • Massive pain in your chest

Psychological Symptoms

These are some of the common psychological signs that indicate a cocaine overdose.

  • A panic attack or extreme fear can occur.
  • Anxiety that is not justified can make you feel anxious.
  • Feeling confused or in delirium
  • Paranoia about your environment, situations, or interactions with others

You should immediately consult your doctor if you experience any symptoms that indicate you have taken cocaine overdose. You might even consider going to the emergency room for immediate medical attention. Do not ignore symptoms. This can lead to death.

You may not have a physical emergency if you are experiencing psychological symptoms. It is best to visit your doctor. Tell your doctor about the situation and then get the best medical treatment.

Long-term effects of cocaine use

You can overdose on cocaine in one go or spread it over several days. What does this all mean? How does this mean? The effects of cocaine on your digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems will eventually cause them to stop functioning.

You may experience effects that range from anxiety and depression to complete psychosis if you continue using cocaine. You might experience hallucinates, loss of hair, frequent nosebleeds, and other symptoms. It is a fact that the more you use cocaine, however, the worse your life will be.

You Can Stop Using Cocaine Today

You are sick of suffering from the effects of cocaine overdose that make you feel miserable, it is time to make a shift. Kemah Palms provides a complete substance abuse treatment in our Kemah, TX cocaine addiction treatment center. To take the first step towards recovery, Visit today.